Founder - Pramukh Shri Ravindra Mardia

Akhil Bhartiya Manav Vikas Sanstha is a registered trust established to help the extremely needy people in rural area. Majority of India’s population lives in villages. Urban areas develop quite fast, while for rural community, development is a daydream. Where it is difficult for the villagers even to earn their living with scarce available resources, over powered with poverty, what to talk about their development? Job opportunities in rural areas are not there. Day by day, their life is becoming more and more difficult. This institute is trying to enable the rural mass to be self employed, self reliant and live respectfully. With the changing values of humanity it is very difficult to discriminate right and wrong. In this situation Akhil Bhartiya Manav Vikas Sanstha, aims not only at providing them materialistic help but also improving their moral and spiritual thinking.

Pramukh Shri Ravindra Mardia Saheb, since long has been pondering over the utility of human life, human values and our liabilities as a human being. He realized that humanity is to help and uplift his fellow men. It is normal for a human being to be of help to his own family members & relatives. But a human being in the real sense, will only enjoy eternal happiness, when he endeavors for a stranger with whom he shares no common interest, or even for birds and animals. Then the self-contentment he experiences is rare and indescribable. The idea of establishing an institute Akhil Bhartiya Manav Vikas Sanstha, emerged from the urge to be constructively active, while leading the retired life, utilizing best the leisure time and engaging himself in the noble cause of service unto humanity.

To provide satisfactory services, Pramukh Shri Ravindra Mardia Saheb, has initially selected 10 Talukas of and around Dehgam, Malpur and Meghraj Talukas, being extremely backward and needy, have also been included along with other Talukas like Dehgam, Talod, Prantij, Daskoi, Bayad, Kapadvanj, Kathlal and Gandhinagar.

Pramukh Shri Ravindra Mardia Saheb, is a committed life-long social worker. He has completed many social service projects and provided community welfare services. He has dedicated his entire life for service to humanity. He has always strived for the comprehensive development, growth and progress of the underprivileged and society at large.

He completed his higher education with Bombay University. Being sociable he was elected as General Secretary during his hostel life. In Mumbai, he came in close contact with Gujarati, Marathi and Foreign students from different social, religious, economical and regional backgrounds. This offered him an opportunity to broaden his views about human values. As a student leader and representative he resolved several issues, about various expectations of students, in a warm and cordial environment through interaction and discussion with college management and the college Principal. This made him extremely popular among students as well as most affectionate pupil of his lecturers and professors. Even today his fellow students and teachers remember him with love & affection.

By God’s grace, he implemented many business and industrial projects during 1974-1997, at different places in India and abroad. He contributed a lot to raise the reputation & respectability of Tarapur Industrial Manufactures Association, to lofty lights, working as the Vice-President of the elected body for eight long years, he helped the Tarapur Industrial Area make a constant remarkable progress with the co-operation of government agencies, for the benefit of the Industrial Units in Tarapur. At times there were occasions of legal conflict and sometimes the goal was successfully accomplished by cordial discussion at various levels. He conceived the idea, and with the help from other industry members established a General Hospital with 30 beds for the labourers of the industrial estate. He is lovingly remembered in his industrial belt for his devotion & hard work even today.

Pramukh Shri Ravindra Mardia Saheb, established several industrial establishments in technical & financial collaboration with various reputed partner companies of South Korea, Switzerland and Germany. During implementation of these projects with foreign collaborations he visited many developed and developing countries of the world, including America, England, Japan, China, Italy, France, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong-Kong and so on. After the constant exertion of long 27 years from 1974 to 2000, he selected his work field with a difference at a small township called Dehgam, near Naroda, Ahmedabad, and decided to dedicate the rest of his life to human service for upgrading the rural quality of life.

He gained the experience of leading an organization, planning and systematic implementation etc. during his vocational career, with this experience he decided to set up Akhil Bhartiya Manav Vikas Sanstha, in well planned, systematic organization with a good management, monitoring and co-ordination team, committed to human welfare, and aiming at providing systematic help to the actually needy people. Ten highly committed & devoted Public Relations Officers have been appointed with Akhil Bhartiya Manav Vikas Sanstha.

The team of these ten encompassed a variety of highly esteemed retired officers like Executive Engineers, Senior Managers of Public Sector Banks, School & College Principals, Air Force Officers and Rural Development Officers of high standing & experience.

The institute has set up an office at each Taluka head quarter and appointed a Public Relations Officer locally, to look after the institutional welfare work. They all actively perform their duties with a high sense of responsibility and vigilance. More than one thousand villages are included in the 10 Talukas adopted by this institute. There are some villages, which yet do not have even the sand paved approach roads. Talukas like Malpur and Meghraj are frequently draught prone.

The Public Relations Officers, appointed by Akhil Bhartiya Manav Vikas Sanstha, have visited each and every village personally and have checked the social & financial status of the beneficiaries. They have identified the actually extremely needy people and prepared an elaborate list, with all necessary details. They have also visited local Public Health Centers, Anganwadis, Primary Schools and met Gram Panchayat Committees in every village, and have made a priority list of the urgent needs of every village. The Public Relations Officers have appointed two volunteers in each of the villages with them, to work as a link between the Public Relations Officers and the villagers, and keep live contact with them.

Akhil Bhartiya Manav Vikas Sanstha, has also appointed a senior Co-ordinator at the Head Office of the institute. He co-ordinates with all the Public Relations Officers and provides them with necessary help, guidance and material. He collects the details of aids provided, checks the justifiability of the same and directly reports to Pramukh Shri Ravindra Mardia Saheb. A periodical meeting of all the Taluka Public Relations Officers is held on every Saturday under the chairmanship of Pramukh Shri Ravindra Mardia Saheb. During such meetings the activities of the previous week are reviewed and the activities to be taken up in the next week are discussed and decided unanimously.

The institute has taken a shape of small plant, from a little sprout within a very short period, with the devotion of Pramukh Shri Ravindra Mardia Saheb and his unchallenged and undoubted faith for the activities, the plant is spreading in all directions like the branches of an adult banian tree. This confidence has emerged from within as a result of his selfless service for spiritual enjoyment.