Future Projects

For the fulfilment of social objects of the trust, trustees have decided to establish a project for Rs. 3500 Lacs, out which Rs. 2200 Lacs will be invested in the Fixed Assets and Rs. 1000 Lacs will be invested in the routine and day to day activities of the trust. The sub- projects which are planned and envisaged to be taken on hand for establishment as a part of this mission are as under :

• Ayurvedic General Hospital
• Allopathic Happy Home for Mentally Retarded
• Ayurvedic Plantation / Herbal Park
• Medical Vans cum Ambulance Service
• Old Age People's Home
• Gaushala / Panjrapole for aged and Handicapped Animals

Ayurvedic General Hospital

With the flaws of allopathic treatment and medicines, the advent of Ayurvedic treatment and medicines are in demand. Though slow in the process of curability of diseases but this system of medicines and the medicature has proven authority and credibility for total and positive remedies. Thus the 100 bed hospital proposed by the trust will have besides other facilities, a speciality Ayurvedic Hospital to provide the Ayurvedic Treatment with Panchkarma, Kerala Traditional Massage Treatment, Shirodhara for Headache, muscular pain, arthritic Joint Problems etc., etc..

We have to take low-cost technology to the rural poor. The neglect of public health is a major problem. There are implementation gaps. Another problem is the 'ownership' factor. No one 'owns' hospitals in the Government Sector. There are beautiful buildings and equipment, but no one 'owns' it. Here every devotee and volunteer 'owns' the hospital. The Government needs to get into partnership with private sector and voluntary organisations such as this. Better healthcare leads to a better economy.

Allopathic Happy-Home for mentally retarded

Individuals with mental disability have varying degrees of need. Their need are just like those who are not disabled. The people with the mental disability need great care, food, medication and most importantly love. They are needed to be looked after for their basic and day-to-day needs. They need training to understand what they should do and what they should not. They need to be looked after for all 24 hours. They need more care than a newly born child, as they are able to hurt themself easily.

Akhil Bhartiya Manav Vikas Sanstha is to build a 50 bed home for the mentally disabled. We will look after all kinds of disabled people. We will give medication, doctor and most importantly devoted attempt for their wellness. We will try to give our best endeavor to make them work as a Normal Human Being. We will design an effective training programme, so that they can become self reliant and which will guide them to lead a normal life. The level of training will depend on the degree of retardation. Mildly retarded individuals can often acquire the skills needed to live independently and hold an outside job. Moderate to profoundly retarded individuals usually require supervised community living.

The above project will be implemented over a period of 3 years. The completion of construction will also depend upon the support of the society at large by contributing to the project. We propose to provide 100% free services to more than 50% people, and the rest may be charged a nominal amount.

An old age peoples home in the nearly campus shall be a boon as the requirements of both of love & affection can be mutually shared.

Ayurvedic Plantation / Herbal Park & Research Center

In order to fill the deficiencies in Ayurvedic medicines, the Trust will establish a Research Farm with 500 varieties of Ayurvedic Trees and Plants. The main object is to grow the Ayurvedic Trees. A patient can cure for disease by sitting under the trees and doing Yoga, under the supervision expert Ayurvedic Doctors.

Trust is going to establish Ayurvedic Library and state of the art Research facilities for advance research in the Ayurved. Now a days even Western and European Countries have started to utilise the Ayurvedic Medicine and Ayurvedic Treatment.

Medical Vans cum Ambulance Services

Trust has planned to purchase 8 (eight) more Medical Van cum Ambulances for the rural People to cover nearly 1000 villages of the area, fully equipped with the facilities of Doctor, Assistant, Driver, Medicine chest and Oxygen. There are certain villages from where the nearest available even General Medical Practitioner is 15-20 Kilometers away, and the poor villagers cannot even afford to hire a vehicle or public transport. One vehicle each will be stationed at Malpur, Meghraj, Kapadvanj, Kathlal, Bayad, Talod and two at Dehgam. In most of the emergency cases the patient needs to be shifted to either Ahmedabad or Gandhinagar, about 50-90 Kilometers.

Old Age People's Home

The other primary priority of our Trust is to provide a facility to old age people who are being neglected and ignored by their off-springs, and are unable to take care of themselves. By establishing the old People Ashram/Home (Gharda Ghar) for people beyond the age of 65, at full capacity 400 aged will be accommodated in twin bed rooms and dormitories type of wards with full medical care and spiritual atmosphere as per their faith. It will also provide for the facility to handicapped and blind people.

Gaushala and Panjrapole

'Panirapole' is the home for discarded old and sick cows. The Cows have lost all the importance that they enjoyed in the past. In present day society we feel that cows are important only because they yield milk and we look at them only as a source of milk. Cows are valuable as long as they yield milk and the value of a cow depends upon the quantity of milk it provides. As the yield of milk is reduced due to aging, the value of the cow is also diminished and ultimately when the quantity of cow's milk is reduced below the expectation of the owners the cows are disposed off.

The commonest way of disposing off a cow is sale to a middleman, who ultimately takes her to a slaughterhouse. Alternatively, some are left to roam on road and to perish ultimately due to consumption of polyethylene bags. Some of the cows which are taken to slaughter houses may be rescued and taken to Gaushalas but such cases are few. Those who rescue the cows from being taken to slaughter houses take enormous difficulties and often put their own lives in danger. Our sentries of law are also most unkind to such persons. To provide home to such discarded, old and sick cows we intend to keep and feed average 1000 cows and aged animals.

'Gaushala' is the cowshed, where Akhil Bharatiya Manav Vikas Sanstha wishes to preserve and breed about 100 cows. Vedic culture considers the cow as the mother of mothers since it has the ability to feed, provide and support humanity in so many ways. Hence the cow has been revered as sacred, to be protected and preserved. Essentially this is a depiction of the necessity to preserve what helps you support yourselves. The cow has remained the basis of India's development in the nascent stages of one's life that is by provision of milk for food, manure through cow-dung for agricultural purposes, leather for footwear and other uses and its bones for chemical uses. The 'Gaumutra' (liquid effuse) and Gaumay (solid effuse) have medicinal uses in Ayurveda and also to carry out sacred rituals.